Scientific resources
Recommended resources for those who want to learn more
- CORDEX CORE Simulation Framework / A deep dive on the regional climate framework employed in Probable Futures maps.
- McKinsey climate risk and response report / Primer on the fundamentals of climate risk with illustrative in-depth case studies.
- Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene / Planetary context for climate risk. This academic publication explores the risk of how near-term warming could create the conditions that prevent stabilization of the climate, ultimately leading to Hothouse Earth.
- Q&A on how climate models work / Primer from Carbon Brief on global climate models that includes other links to climate model basic education and resources
- Business risk and the emergence of climate analytics / This paper describes some of the limitations of climate models when applying them in a business context.
- TCFD / The 2017 TCFD recommendations report outlines a framework for reporting climate-related financial information.
- P-ROCC 2.0 / Wellington Management and Woodwell Climate Research Center report, extending their 2019 framework designed to help companies disclose the potential effects of physical risks of climate change on their business. The new framework outlines how companies can share location data that will enhance transparency and help investors make more informed investment decisions.
- Data science & climate change / Shared by a student using Probable Futures in their curriculum, this article describes ways data science can be applied to understand climate change and address associated risks. To learn more about using Probable Futures data in applied settings, see the Probable Futures open data & integrations resources.