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Share a climate vignette

We welcome your help, your imagination, your ideas.

As you may have experienced on this website, the Probable Futures interactive maps feature short narrative vignettes about climate change risk and impacts. And while our team has done extensive outreach to identify a robust collection of vignettes, we recognize and acknowledge that our team, alone, cannot authentically represent the many communities around the world who experience the risks and impacts of climate change. 

We’d love to hear from you and are seeking vignettes that will support current and future maps examining heat, drought, and precipitation in a warming world. These vignettes are typically excerpts from news articles, reports, or audio stories, and Probable Futures seeks permission from the original publishers to repurpose the content on our site. 

What we are looking for:

  • Stories about climate change impacts and resiliency in the areas of human systems, the built environment, and the natural world.
  • Excerpts from articles, book excerpts, direct quotes, or audio clips.
  • Perspectives from people who have witnessed the impacts of climate change in large or small ways.
  • Stories that make visible the impacts of climate change on small or even mundane aspects of our everyday lives.
  • Content that portrays our global community, spanning geography and cultures . 
  • Ready-made content that can be used without a heavy edit.
  • Content from reputable and trusted resources.
  • Submissions from local and regional publications are encouraged.

Please note that environmentally-oriented content without a direct link to climate risk or potential impacts from climate change does not fit our criteria. We will also not publish content with a clear political affiliation. 

To submit a climate vignette, email with the following information:

  • About you:
    • Your name, email address
    • Your occupation
    • The city/town and country you live in
  • About your story:
    • A few sentences on why this story is relevant to climate change and to the criteria we describe above. 
    • The location of the story. 
    • The specific content/excerpt you are suggesting, copy and pasted in the body of your email (no more than 200 words).
    • A link to the original source
    • Any information you might have on licensing/permissions for the story or the publisher. 

Thank you for considering a contribution. 

Probable Futures