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Data Source

All data on the interactive maps are sourced from the CORDEX-CORE framework, a standardization for regional climate model output. We currently use the REMO2015 and REGCM4 regional climate models. REMO2015 and REGCM4 are the only two RCMs that have been run on all domains in CORDEX-CORE, an effort which downscales data from multiple GCMs in the CMIP5 ensemble of global climate models. We will continue to consider additional models for inclusion as they become available.

Days over 32°C (90°F) at 1°C of warming

Number of days over 32°C (90°F)
  • 0
  • 1-7
  • 8-30
  • 31-90
  • 91-180
  • 181-365

These two maps depict the difference in data resolution between General Circulation Models (GCMs), and Regional Climate Models (RCMs). Most GCMs have a grid cell size of approximately 250km on a side. RCMs use GCM data as an input and then downscale that data using regionally-specific dynamics. This results in model output with a higher resolution. RCM grid cells commonly range from 10 to 50km on a side. Data source: CMIP5, Cordex-Core, REMO2015 and RegCM4. Processed by Woodwell Climate Research Center.